Vanderburgh Sober Living is a recovery-focused and peer supported sober living community

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We build sober living communities where each

guest is supported in their recovery journey

Sober Living

Sober houses offer an important service to individuals in early recovery. When leaving treatment, many men and women have limited options. Independent living is difficult, and sober housing offers an attractive alternative to many options available to men and women in early recovery.

Acute Treatment

Detox 3-5 days

Clinical Stabilization

CSS 12-13 days

Transitional Support

TSS or Halfway house 30 Days to 6 Months

Vanderburgh Sober Living

Independent Living

Sober homes offer an opportunity for men and women in recovery to live together and support each other while pursuing a new life in recovery.

House Mentors and staff lead and support each sober living home; helping to ensure a positive recovery environment for all guests.

Sober homes screen guests for alcohol and drugs, enforce house rules and curfew, and each guest holds their brothers and sisters accountable.

Guests of sober homes pay affordable and simple all-inclusive rent payments on a weekly or monthly basis.


We are New England's premier sober living provider, with homes across Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Maine. Rental rates vary across our homes, starting at $150 per week. Guests may pay weekly or monthly. A $200 deposit is due when moving in, additional to your first week payment.

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We welcome new guests who are committed to living a life of continued sobriety. Applicants must be over 18 years old and haven’t used drugs or alcohol within 14 days. Guests are ofter referred from treatment or other clinical or judicial settings, but many guests self-refer to our homes.

Guest Life


Applications are accepted on our website, as well as faxed, e-mailed, or over the phone. We carefully screen each application and conduct a telephone screen prior to approval to ensure a good fit in our homes. Download out application or apply online today.

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How to Pick the Right Sober House

How Do You Pick a Sober Living Home? If you're new to recovery, you might .. 

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The Ultimate Sober House Guide

The Ultimate Sober House Guide What is a sober house? Sober house, recove..  The City..

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House Rules in Sober Houses

House Rules in Sober Houses A sober house is often considered to be the br..  

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House Mentors at Vanderburgh Sober Living

House Mentors at Vanderburgh Sober Living We believe the House Mentor is th..

Read More about house mentors at Vanderburgh Sober Living