Through art, a recovering resident is rebuilding her life

ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS —For the past seven years, the Rockford Rescue Mission’s redesigned production classes have been critical in assisting individuals in regaining control of their lives.
However, the path to recovery is never simple.
It was a hardship for Cathy Larson, a life-recovery resident.
“I had no hope,” said Larson.
She was clinging to life by a thin thread at moments.
“It was a struggle every day.”
Larson didn’t know if she’d survive another day until she started reconstructing her life at the production shop.
“I had a heroin addiction,” Larson says. “I was slowly killing myself.”
Larson arrived at the Rockford Rescue Mission two months ago, and the days began to brighten.
“Most of all, being here and getting hope and getting God in my life,” said Larson. “Just having that hope is amazing.”
She is presently resuming her life in the Mission’s redesigned production class. Residents recreate furnishings and decorations here.
reminding Larson that she has talents to share with the community.
“It just lets me know that I have other characteristics and I’m not just an addict,” said Larson. “I am a person that can do other things.”
With the encouragement of her peers, she is becoming a better version of herself.
“They just have so much hope, and I thrive off that,” said Larson.
She will be eternally grateful to the mission for providing her with a fresh start in life.
“If you need help, just come in and ask,” said Larson. It’s amazing what this program will do and change your life. That’s the biggest thing. It saved my life.
Building a new chapter that is full of hope and pleasure.
The most current things created in the class will be available for purchase at Nettie’s Mercantile on April 1 and 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All revenues are reinvested for this purpose.
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